Serenity 'When canvas.."

Before/After keying

Being the first collaboration between artfabrik and living liquid, the music video “When canvas starts to burn” by Serenity marked the start of a ongoing friendship and successful ‘Team Up’ of the two companies.

Directed by Alexander Senfter and Nikolaus Stickler, living liquid was assisted by artfabrik during the preproduction, providing the location and equipment, and Robert Mayr (Filmlicht) for all lighting needs.

After one day of shooting in the greenscreen studio, several weeks of postproduction followed, mostly done by Alexander Senfter, again assisted by artfabrik (keying).

Before/After tattoo tracking

My job was to assist with keying of some shots aswell as working on all the crane shots of the girl. After a stabilization pass, all necessary shots where tracked in Nuke. Meshing the resulting point data and some cleanup quickly gave me the necessary geometry to then apply some growing tattoos to.

Before/After tattoo tracking

"When Canvas Starts To Burn" was officially released on Monday, the 14th of November 2011.